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The page contains information and materials on the works made on the basis of the OpenSCADA system. The works include the description of systems built on the basis of OpenSCADA, and libraries for the various OpenSCADA nodes.

OpenSCADA into programmable logic controller (PLC)

Name: PLC
Founded: October 2008
Members: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko (2010-2012)
Description: The project is devoted to creation of: runtime environment of PLC, PLC firmware and hardware configurations of specialized PLC's. Considered embedded systems of based on architectures x86 and ARM, and also separated hardware of the embedded systems:

Library of API functions of the object model of the OpenSCADA system

Name: APIFunctionLibs
Founded: October 2005
Status: Status is determined by the individual library
Members: Roman Savochenko
Description: The project's purpose is to create libraries of the API functions of the object model of the OpenSCADA system. Such libraries can be: system libraries, static system libraries, the library models of devices of technological processes, user's libraries and so on.
Library files: Main OpenSCADA functions library
Библиотека (13 Kb)

Graphic Elements' libraries of OpenSCADA

Name: GraphicElementsLibraries
Founded: September 2007
Version: 1.0.0
Status: Status is individual for each library
Members: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko (2007-2012), Yashina Ksenia (2007)
Description: The project's purpose is to create graphic element's libraries of the OpenSCADA system. Such libraries can be: mnemo elements' libraties, main elements' libraries of the user interface, different libraries of the graphic elements, specialized for the automation object; report documents' libraries etc.
Библиотека (13 Kb)

Dynamic model of the steam boiler #9 of DMK

Name: ModelKotelDMK
Start: January 2007
State: Finished, August 2010
Participants: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko, Ksenia Yashina
Description: The project is targeted to creating a complete dynamic model of a steam boiler № 9 of Dnepr Metallurgical Combine (DMC).
Address: Current DB into the SVN-repository, DB in file: dmkkotel9.tlz
Live execution: Web-access to the model interface
Boiler (50 Kb)

Dynamic model of the Anastasievskaja GLKS in real time

Name: ModelAGLKS
Founded: January 2006
Members: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko
Description: The project is devoted to the creation of the full dynamic model of real-time of Anastasievskaja GLKS.
Address: Current DB into the SVN-repository, DB in file: AGLKS.tlz.
Live execution: Web-access to the model interface

ACS of the ball drum mills BDM 287/410 of the boiler #7,8,9 of BKZ 160–100 PT

Begin: 07(Jul) 2009 for BDM7,9; 26 06(Jun) 2015 for BDM8
Finish: 08(August) 2010 for BDM7,9; 22 12(December) 2015 for BDM8
Location: Kramatorsk city, CHP
Customer: Limited liability company (Ltd) "Kramatorskteploenergo", Osipov Jury Mikolajevich
Participants: Roman Savochenko, Maksim Lisenko (2009-2010), DIYA Ltd
Description: Automation Control System (ACS) of loading two ball drum mills "BDM 287/410" of boilers №7, 8, 9
ACS mill (39 Kb)

ACS of Phosphating, Amination and Hydrazine of boiler BKZ 160–100 PT

Begin: 11(October) 2013
Finish: 12(December) 2014 + 12(December) 2015 (Continuous blowing)
Location: Kramatorsk city, CHP
Customer: Limited liability company (Ltd) "Kramatorskteploenergo", Osipov Jury Mikolajevich
Participants: Roman Savochenko, DIYA Ltd
Description: Automation Control System (ACS) of Phosphating, Amination, Hydrazine, Continuous blowing of the boiler's water of boilers BKZ 160–100 PT №6,7,8,9
Short object's image (105 Kb)

Automated control system for vacuum process unit

Name: ACS of the vacuum process unit
Start: 05(may) 2011
Finish: 08(august) 2011
Location: Moscow
Customer: "Laboratory of vacuum technologies" (, Vasily Grigoriev
Performers: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko
Description: The implementation of the template project of the vacuum process unit ACS with control of the plasma generation through the specified prescription.
Materials: page (restricted access)
Вакуумная установка (30 Kb)

OpenSCADA на АРМ оператора в Системе АСКДК нефтебазы

Наименование: Использование OpenSCADA на АРМ оператора в Системе АСКДК на нефтебазе филиала «Восточный» ОАО «Красноярскнефтепродукт»
Заказчик: ОАО "Красноярскнефтепродукт" (
Генеральный Подрядчик: ООО "ТРЭИ-Холдинг" — филиал "ТРЭИ-Красноярск" (
Субподрядчик: ООО "Квант"
Разработчик проекта АСУТП: ООО "ТРЭИ-Холдинг" — филиал "ТРЭИ-Красноярск"
Изготовитель и поставщик оборудования АСУТП: ООО "ТРЭИ-Холдинг"
Завершен: декабрь 2012г
Автор статьи: ведущий инженер АСУТП Кучерявый Р.О. («ТРЭИ-Холдинг», филиал «ТРЭИ-Красноярск»)
Описание: система предназначена для непрерывного измерения и контроля состояния окружающей технологические установки газовой среды на территории нефтебазы и является по своей сути системой противоаварийной сигнализации (ПОС)
 (27 Kb)

Система сбора и визуализации котла №1 цеха ТЭЦ

Начат: 07(июль) 2012г
Завершён: 08(август) 2012г
Расположение: г.Каменское, котлоагрегат "ТП-35–39 М №1"
Заказчик: ПАО «ЕВРАЗ БАГЛЕЙКОКС», Денис Аученков
Участники: ООО НИП "ДІЯ", Роман Савоченко
Описание: Замена ранее созданной системы диспетчеризации котла и ПЛК №1, по причине её неподдерживаемости и общего критического состояния, на окружение с OpenSCADA.
Котёл (42 Kb)

Building OpenSCADA and firmware for ARM-controllers of ICP DAS company (LP-5141)

Name: LP-5xxx
Start: august 2011
Finish: september 2011
Version: 1.0.0
Performers: Roman Savochenko
Description: The project is dedicated to building the OpenSCADA and firmware for ARM controllers of the LP-5xxx and LP-8x{3|4}x series of the ICP DAS company.

Apartment house automation - "Smart House" (HouseSpirit)

Name: "Smart House" (HouseSpirit)
Start: 28 03(March) 2011
Finish: 12 06(June) 2011
Location: Khanty-Mansiysk city, Russia
Performers: Oleg Sidashov, Roman Savochenko
Description: Implementation of the apartment house automation project - "Smart House" (HouseSpirit).

Dispatching of electricity shield of Irkutsk HES(Heat Electropower Station)-10

Name: Dispatching of electricity shield of Irkutsk HES(Heat Electropower Station)-10
Start: 02(February) 2011 year
Finish: 02 24 2011 year
Location: Irkutsk
Customer: Valeriy Nikolaev
Performers: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko
Description: Creating the firmware of the dispatcher's station, the configuration of data acquisition from the equipment of the switchboard room and creation of the user interface.
Materials: page (restricted access)
Главная мнемосхема (31 Kb)

Build the OpenSCADA project for mobile devices of the Nokia company (N800, N900, N950)

Name: NokiaLinux
Start: December 2010
Performers: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko
Description The project is dedicated to building the OpenSCADA project for the mobile devices of the Nokia company (N800, N900, N950) on the Linux platforms Maemo and MeeGo.

Dispatching system of the poultry-yard

Name: Dispatching system of the poultry-yard
Founded: November 2010
Location: 152961, Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk district, Octiabrskiy village
Customer: "Yaroslavsky Broiler" poultry (
Performers: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko
Description: Creating the dispatching system of the poultry-yard and development of the OpenSCADA module to obtain the current data and the alarms of the information concentration module BFN(BigFarmNet) of the poultry automation from "Big Dutchman" company (
Materials: page (restricted access)
2011-11-28: Separated halls 29-32 is added to collected Aviary #15.
2011-10-31: Second AWP station have been configured.
2011-10-19: Added Aviary #3 and #8.
2011-10-02: Added Aviary #10.
2011-08-26: Added Aviary #4.
2011-06-01: Implemented the concept of placing several chicken houses on a BFN. Added alarms in case of loss of communication with the BFN. Added table of the alarms on the main page. Added alarm for chicken houses, by signal object. Added Aviary #6.
2011-05-19: Added Aviary #5.
2011-05-16: Added Aviary #11. Added function to clear alarms of the lost.
2011-11-26: Added Aviary #15, collected from halls: 29-32. Station #2 configuration.
2012-09-04: Added Aviary #39 and halls 41, 42 into collected aviary "Cell".
2014-11-24: Added Aviary #2 and #40.
Aviary (32 Kb)

Runtime of the PLC LP-8x81 of the ICP DAS company based on the OpenSCADA

Name: LP8x81
Start: November 2009
Version: 1.0.0
Status: GPL
Members: Roman Savochenko
Translator: Maxim Lysenko
Description: The project is devoted to the creation of runtime of the PLC LP-8x81 of the ICP DAS company based on the OpenSCADA.

Установка OpenSCADA на touchscreen FPC-1701 на ОС Debian 5.0.3 lenny

Имя: ПЛК
Основан: ноябрь 2009г
Версия: 0.1.0
Статус: GPL
Участники: Попков Алексей
Описание: Проект посвящён созданию: среды исполнения ПЛК, прошивки ПЛК и аппратных конфигураций специализированных PLC.
FPC-1705 (86 Kb)

Установка OpenSCADA и CDMA модема Airplus MCD-650 в контроллер VDX-6354 на ОС Debian 5.0 lenny

Имя: ПЛК
Основан: сентябрь 2009г
Версия: 0.1.0
Статус: GPL
Участники: Попков Алексей
Описание: Проект посвящён созданию: среды исполнения ПЛК, прошивки ПЛК и аппаратных конфигураций специализированных PLC.
 (16 Kb)

Dispatching of the carriage-wash system

Name: Carriage-wash system
Start: August 2009
Finish: November 2009
Location: Kiev. Central railroad passenger station.
Customer: Soyuz-Orchideja
Performers: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko
Description: The dispatching of coach-wash system.
Materials: page (restricted access)
Главная мнемосхема (32 Kb)


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