The architecture x86 recently was positioned as embedded and it's real solutions into this industry rarely have resources (< i386), which is not enough for full-featured OS and advanced environment execution. For this reason and by reason of big the architecture unification the individual assemblies of kernel Linux and main programs of the OS environment performed rarely enough, and that typical mostly for the architecture ARM. More interest and practical for x86, for wide the hardware circle, it is assembling firmwares with compressing a root file-system (RFS). But still possible individual assembling by aid of the build systems as "BuildRoot" or "PTXDist", bottom. And also here possible direct installing a Linux distribution.
The following requirements were pulled out to the implementation of the PLC firmware of the section:
Given the above requirements, for the creation of the firmware it was chosen the tool for creating the distributions mkimage of ALTLinux. mkimage is the tool for building Sisyphus-based system on basis of template. As an initial set of templates it was taken the set of templates of formation of ALTLinux distributions at git:// by the command:
As the basis it was taken the "rescue" template, as the most compact and close to the target PLC.
Firstly building performed basing on the package base of the distributive ALTLinux 5.1, there is present the realtime kernel from XENOMAI. For obtaining some specific packages you need to connect the repository of packages "ALTLinux 5.1" from the OpenSCADA project:
rpm openscada main
Firstly it was created the configuration of PLC without local display in mind of the availability of this type of equipment and lack of equipment for the Touch-panels.
New PLC template was named "plc", it was tested on the boards of PC/104 form factor MOPSlcdLX of Kontron company, ATH400-128 of Diamond Systems company and modular PLC LP-8781 of the ICP DAS company. The archive of the resulting mkimage tree with the "plc" template can be downloaded here (templates and materials of individual controllers are placed in their own directories).
The key points of the configuration of new template was the writing of the new init-script (rc.sysinit), the script of the after installation configuration of the firmware's image and the list of packages in the image of firmware.The first script is designed as the package "startup-plc". The second script was embedded in the template "plc" on the way: profiles/pls/image-scripts.d/01system. The list of packages was embedded in the template "plc" on the path: profiles/pkg/lists/plс.in.
The procedure of creating the firmware from the image is the following:
The result is an output directory in the "profiles/out/" have look:
It is possible to download the firmware to: USB-flash, IDE-flash and HDD. However, in the case of the USB-flash there is the problem with waiting for initialization of USB-subsystem and you'll have "to run" some dialogues.
The file system can be FAT or EXT2/3. In the case of EXT3 the root is mounted as in EXT2, because of problems in the initializer. In the case of EXT2/3 you'll need to use not the syslinux boot, but extlinux, the configuration of which is almost the same one.
Next, lets mount the medium and place the files from the output directory on it as follows.
In the case with FAT and syslinux:
In the case with EXT2/3 and extlinux:
To ensure the reliable operation of the operating data stored in the file "work" with the file system EXT3. The file-system of this file is checked for integrity at the initialization. This file is created as follows:
In the case of the file system EXT2/3 on the target disk the "work" file can not be created. In this case, the working data will be placed in the directory "root" of the target disk.
The next step is the configuration and initialization of the loader. To configure the loader it is necessary to edit the file "syslinux/syslinux.cfg" or "extlinux/extlinux.conf" as follows:
In the case of selection the identification of the bootable partition by the identifier you can get the ID of our partition with the command: blkid.
In the case of the label it is a bit harder and this is done for different file systems in different ways.
For the file-systems EXT2/3 it is done by the utility e2label. For example: e2label /dev/sdb1 PLC
For the FAT file system it does by the set of utilities that come with mtools or with parted, easier. With mtools you can do it as follows:
Now we can initialize the loader:
That is all with the boot and initialization of firmware. If the resulting disk is not loaded:
The result is the firmware with the size from 30Mb to 100Mb, satisfying all announced requirements and it provides:
As the PLC runtime system the OpenSCADA is used. For this case we'll take the building with separate packages for each module and indicate to install the virtual package openscada-plc, which contains all the dependencies on all the OpenSCADA packages, typical used for this configuration. The package of gd2 graphics library has been rebuilt without the support of xpm graphic file format and library was called libgd2-noxpm. All this was done in order to avoid the heavy dependencies on the libraries of GUI XOrg.
The result is the runtime of the PLC with support:
The configuration of OpenSCADA runs in demon mode in locale "en_US.UTF-8" (also available "ru_RU.UTF-8" and "uk_UA.UTF-8") using the local database SQLite, providing the following default network services:
In this section let examine the details of the OS tree of the firmware, the initialization script rc.sysinit.plc and the script of preparation of the OS tree of the firmware.
To build the PLC firmware it was used the following list of packages:
List of the modules of the loader's system kernel with the purpose to reducing the initialization image size was decreased to the following ones:
To the script of the tree preparation there were added the following functions:
The initialization script (rc.sysinit.plc) was provided with the following functions:
As the result of these actions the mount table of the resulting PLC tree looks like:
One option of the firmware is built with a graphical interface, which, however, necessary to configure for automatic startup with the visualization area of OpenSCADA. In addition, it should be noted that the firmware with a graphical interface does not contain all the drivers and you may have to rebuild it under the right equipment.
After downloading and logging to the console it is necessary to configure the XServer, automatic graphical login, start of the graphical environment and automatic startup of OpenSCADA from the IceWM environment:
The revision in progress
Наступним етапом у створені прошивок став перехід на пакетну базу дистрибутиву ALTLinux T6. В цілому процедуру створення прошивки було збережено, з низкою змін, але при цьому було додано деякі покращення та розширення:
Оскільки з'явилася можливість легко довстановлювати потрібні пакети безпосередньо із репозиторія то відпала потреба у окремій збірці прошивок із GUI. Тобто можна легко довстановити потрібний менеджер вікон (WM) або оточення робочого столу із потрібними драйверами, чим створювати окрему прошивку із обмеженим переліком драйверів.
Скрипт "startup-plc" виявився непотрібним у нових прошивках оскільки перемонтування на запис кореневої ФС "root" здійснюється раніше, на стадії первинної ініціації. Скрипт "profiles/plс/image-scripts.d/01system" перейменовано у "profiles/plс/image-scripts.d/init1-PLC", оскільки змінено та розширено. Перелік пакетів прошивки залишився у "profiles/pkg/lists/plс.in" та дещо змінено.
Для отримання низки специфічних пакетів потрібно під'єднати репозитірий "ALTLinux T6" від проекту OpenSCADA:
rpm openscada main
Процедура створення прошивки із шаблону фактично не змінилась:
# Створення скрипту конфігурації "configure"
$ ./autoconf
# Конфігурація складальника для генерації штампів дисків. Ключ "--with-imagetype" можна встановити у "iso", або опустити,
# для створення комбінованого ISO-штампу
$ ./configure --with-distro=kdesktop --with-branding=altlinux-kdesktop --with-version=6.0 --with-language=en_US --with-imagetype=flash
# Збірка штампу
$ make
Вміст вихідної теки із штампом та встановлення прошивки на файлову систему FAT та EXT2/3/4 відрізняється тільки перейменуванням файлу архіву ФС із "plc" у "live". Встановлення ISO-штампу на USB-flash, HDD, SSD виконується командою dd:
$ dd if=LP8x81-ALTLinuxT6-OpenSCADA_0.8.0.6-i586-plc.iso of=/dev/sd{x} bs=4096
Замість файлу "work" потрібно створити розділ EXT3 з міткою "alt-live-storage", якщо це не ISO-штамп. Створювати новий розділ можна за допомогою fdisk, якщо FAT розділ було створено не на всьому доступному просторі диску, або за допомогою parted, де розділ FAT можна зменшити. За деталями створення розділу відішлемо до документації на fdisk або parted.
Конфігурація файлів "syslinux/syslinux.cfg" та "extlinux/extlinux.conf" не змінилася, окрім зміни ім'я архіву ФС із "plc" на "live".
У результаті отримуємо прошивку розміром від яка забезпечує:
Для побудови прошивки ПЛК використовувався наступний перелік пакетів:
Перелік модулів ядра Linux, стадії попередньої ініціалізації, був дещо змінений та склав:
Скрипт підготовки дерева "profiles/plс/image-scripts.d/init1-PLC" виконує функції:
iROBO-3000a is a fanless industrial computer with Intel Atom D425 1.8 GHz с VGA, 2xGb LAN, 4xCOM, 4xUSB, 1GB RAM, 1x2.5" SATA HDD 120GB, Mini-PCIe, 4x4 DIO, CF slot, SIM Card slot, Audio, WDT on board, operating temperature range -5..+55°С. Performance of this computer is enough to run the functions of data acquisition, monitoring and control server, as well as the visualization station's functions. However, because of usage the non-productive Atom processor family, the implementation of mathematical models of processes will require almost all of the CPU resources. For example, during the performance of the AGLKS mathematical model, the CPU is loaded at 86%. The controller has been certified by "UKRSEPRO" that may be important for many users in the territory of Ukraine.
OpenSCADA operating environment for this computer was based on the packets base of the ALTLinux T6 distribution, as well as freshly-builded Trinity (TDE) desktop environment. Building of the environment was made using the above described conception with an updated profile of "mkimage". The "plc" objective has been added to the new profile, but its nature has changed in fact and has become a copy of the "live" target, which became possible thanks to the implementation in primary initialization stage the transparent mount of the partition with the "alt-live-storage" label as a reflection of a packed file system with random access to the modification. In general, it made possible to create the fixed core of the firmware with the basic set of software environment with the size of 300MB and with the possibility of free expansion by installing the necessary packages from the distribution.
The Trinity was selected as the desktop environment because of the presence of background artefacts problem in conjunction with XOrgServer 1.10 + QT4, as well as because of TDE low-resource with high maturity and stability.
Archive of the build profiles of the new environment is called mkimage-profiles-6-kdesktop-plc.tgz, and the latest build of the firmware ALTLinux6-OpenSCADA_0.7.2-i586-plcUI_TDE-generic.flash.tar.