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This is an old revision of HomePageEn/Doc/VCAconcept/part6 from 2015-09-27 20:00:15..

6 Implementation

The implementation will be done in the phased manner, in the direction from the functions in the concept to its implementation on the Qt library, and so on until the last component. Such an approach allow to get results between stages, analyze it and take into minds the peculiarities in the following stages. For step by step implementation lets divide the whole problem into logical parts and put them depending of one another in the implementation.

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6.5 Visualization themes-styles

The implementation on the data-model side (UI.VCAEngine) describes into the document's part 4.6.


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At miss the development tool of the users interfaces that module unneeded for the specific styles implementing.

6.6 Events maps — In plans

This stage implementing for while miss and will perform by the needs.

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6.8 Web-based visualization interface of the project's session

Реализация выполнена в модуле UI.WebVision и в объёме исполнения основных примитивов и их видов, для проектов разработанных в UI.Vision.

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