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This is an old revision of HomePageEn/Doc/OpenSCADA062 from 2008-09-10 13:39:37..

OpenSCADA 0.6.2

English (1 Kb) English version
Ukrainian (1 Kb) Українська версія


Статус: Making


The release of open SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition) system of version 0.6.2 is following stabilizing release of a branch 0.6.0. Within the limits of this version the big work on stabilization and adaptation to practical tasks is done.

The given document is processing of the document <ChangeLog> of system OpenSCADA versions 0.6.2 which is called to cover briefly and obviously new opportunities of system OpenSCADA. In details to familiarize with changes in system OpenSCADA it is possible in a file ChangeLog from a package of the distribution kit of system or here:

Key features of the given version are:

The new and updated modules:

1. Increase of stability, durability and productivity of system.

During works under the given version, and also under its practical adaptation, it was revealed and corrected something about a hundred and fifty errors. Something about a quarter of hundred from them it was revealed owing to biassed testing by Popkov Alexey and about ten by Andrey Kalita. The overwhelming majority of errors was revealed in components of the visual control area.

Except of correction of the set of errors the work on optimization of various components of OpenSCADA has been done. The visual control area(VCA) and its visualizers has undergone to especially appreciable optimization. The basic vector in optimization was optimization of productivity which significance shew itself when loading on the system became to grow.

2. Improvement and stabilization of VCA.

During work with system OpenSCADA the set of improvements and optimizations in VCA and its visualizers has been done.

Let's examine the important improvements:

Important optimization improvements of visualizer of VCA - Vision:

Significant expansions of WebVision are done. Namely:

3. General-system expansions.

To the kernel of system OpenSCADA have been made some changes of expanding character. We shall list them:

4. Усовершенствование части модулей подсистемы "Сбор данных".

Значительному усовершенствованию подверглись модули источников данных "DAQ.Siemens", "DAQ.JavaLikeCalc" и "DAQ.ModBus".

В модуль "DAQ.Siemens" добавлена поддержка протокола ISO_TSAP посредством библиотеки Libnodave. Это позволило получить доступ к широкому спектру контроллеров фирмы Siemens посредством сети ProfiNET.

Язык высокого уровня модуля "DAQ.JavaLikeCalc" был расширен операторами побитового сдвига, а в последствии был переписан механизм обработки числовых значений. В результате базовые операции переведены на работу только с вещественными, что устранило неопределённости в синтаксисе, часто приводящие к потере знака вещественных чисел.

В модуль "DAQ.ModBus" было внесено множество изменений. Подавляющее их большинство связано с работами по тестированию Попковым Алексеем. В целом были внесены изменения расширения функциональных возможностей, стабилизации и оптимизации модуля. Рассмотрим их детальнее:

5. Планы дальнейшего развития

К релизу следующей версии запланированы решения таких задач:


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