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OpenSCADA 0.6.1

Russian (1 Kb) Русская версия
Ukrainian (1 Kb) Українська версія



The release of open SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition) system of version 0.6.1 is the first stabilizing release of a branch 0.6.0. Within the limits of this version big work on stabilization and adaptation to practical tasks is done. As the result, a way to formation of base library of patterns of traditional SCADA system has been passed and the demonstration interface of the user is constructed. The demonstration interface contains the staff with full-value mimic panel, the stereotyped frames of groups of graphs, groups of contours and survey frames. As a result of the done work the task of construction of complex interfaces of the user of SCADA-system already became practicable.

The given document is processing (compilation) of the document <ChangeLog> of OpenSCADA system versions 0.6.1 which is called to cover briefly and obviously new opportunities of OpenSCADA system. In details to familiarize with changes in OpenSCADA system it is possible in the file ChangeLog from the distribution kit of system or here:

Key features of the given version are:

The new and updated modules:

1. Increasing of stability, durability and productivity of system.

During works under the given version, and also under its practical adaptation, it was revealed and corrected something about hundred errors. About half from them it was revealed owing to persevering studying and adaptation of Popkov Alexey. The overwhelming majority of errors was revealed in components of the environment of visualization and management. Many efforts have been directed on increasing of productivity of system as a whole and of environment of visualization and management (EVM) in particular.

2. General-system expansions and expansions of user API.

To the kernel of OpenSCADA system some changes of expanding character have been made . We will list them:

3. The mechanism of construction of graphs is reconsidered and improved.

With a purpose of increasing of readability, and also in a in view of detection of some problems in mechanisms of construction of graphs of different units of OpenSCADA system unification of the mechanism of construction of graphs for all mechanisms has been made, notably: in the plotter of graphs of values of the subsystem "Archives" (QTCfg), in the visualizer of trends of primitive "Diagram" of modules Vision and WebVision.

During these actions the plotter of graphs of values of a subsystem "Archives" has been complemented by following opportunities:

4. The environment of visualization and management (EVM) is improved and stabilized.

The most significant changes have been made within the limits of the environment of visualization and management (EVM), namely in modules of slider of EVM VCAEngine, a visualizer on the basis of library QT Vision and a visualizer on the basis of WEB-technologies WebVision. Introduced changes were directed on the stabilization and improvement of user properties of EVM.

Let's examine more detailed the general changes for modules EVM:

Directly into the module of visualization on library QT (Vision) following significant changes have been made :

In EVM editor of the module of visualization on library QT (Vision) following significant changes have been made :

Directly into the module of visualization on Web-technology (WebVision) following significant changes have been made:

5. Расширение перечня файлов ресурсов и сборочной системы.

Для обеспечения сборки проекта на дистрибутиве Mandriva 2008 была добавлена, в сценарий конфигурации сборочной системы, обработка особого расположения библиотеки QT4 в этом дистрибутиве.

В дерево проекта были добавлены новые файлы комплекта основной документации. В число этих файлов включены переводы основного комплекта документации на Украинский и Английский языки: FAQ.pdf, AboutOpenSCADA.pdf, release_0.6.0_uk.pdf, release_0.6.0.pdf и FAQ_uk.pdf.

Для предоставления возможности запуска системы из меню рабочего стола в дерево проекта были добавлены соответствующие конфигурационные файлы и иконки.

6. Усовершенствована часть модулей подсистемы "Сбор данных".

Часть модулей подсистемы "Сбор данных" были значительно обновлены:

7. Усовершенствована часть модулей подсистемы БД.

Основные изменения связаны с усовершенствованием модуля поддержки СУБД "FireBird". Из наиболее значительных изменений нужно отметить добавление управления транзакциями и как следствие некоторое повышена производительности. В целях повышения производительности работы с СУБД "FireBird" в модуле архивации на БД (/Archive/DBArch) была пересмотрена процедура сброса блока данных в БД.

В модуле поддержки БД SQLite добавлена возможность указания количества запросов, через которые нужно закрывать транзакцию.

10 Планы дальнейшего развития

К релизу следующей версии запланированы решения таких задач:


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