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4.4. Project

Direct configuration and properties of the final visualization interface are contained in the project of the visualization interface of the VCA. It may be created a lot of projects of the visualization interfaces.

Each project includes frames from the libraries of the frames/widgets. A frame provides a tool for the dynamics to the properties described therein. All properties of the frame may be associated with dynamics or authorized by the constants, and can act as a template for the formation of derivative pages. In fact, each frame may contain multiple pages with their own dynamics. This mechanism allows to extremely simplify the process of creating the same type of the frames by the ACS-TP engineer or by the user of OpenSCADA for easy monitoring. An example of such one-type frames may be: groups of contours, groups of graphs, reports and various tables. Mnemonic schemes of technological processes rarely come under this scheme and will be formed directly in the description of the frame.

To provide the possibility of creation of a complex hierarchical interfaces of VC the frames, placed into the project, can be grouped by name in the hierarchical form and by the appropriate visualization in the form of a tree. In addition to this a mechanism of associative description of the calling of the frames through regular expressions is provided.

Example of hierarchical representations of components of the project of the classical interface of VC of the technological process with the description of standard expressions is given in Fig. 4.4.

Hierarchical view of components of the project of classical interface of VC of the technological process. (40 Kb)
Fig.4.4 Hierarchical view of components of the project of classical interface of VC of the technological process.

Execution of the project is made in the session of the project. For each project can be opened many sessions. Specific implementations of the VCA connect to the or create the new session of the project. All calculations over the project are made in the sessions. VCA implementations only use the data in the session for the visualization and the collection of user actions. This separation will allow easy to build VCA's for different ways of presenting data.

To provide an opportunity for considering the individual characteristics and preferences of users the mechanism of profiling is provided. In your profile you can set individual color and font preferences, as well as the preferred card of events for the VC interface control.

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