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OpenSCADA 0.6.4

Russian (1 Kb) Русская версия
Ukrainian (1 Kb) Українська версія



Release of the open SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition) system of version 0.6.4 is the planned release of the 0.6.0 branch. Withing the limits of this version the considerable work on the stabilization and adaptation to the practical problems is made, and also the significant improvements are implemented. This version of the OpenSCADA system is positioned as an official beta version of the stable 0.7.0 version of OpenSCADA for the platform "Linux x86/x86_64".

This document is the processing (compilation) of <ChangeLog> document of the OpenSCADA system of 0.6.4 version, which is designed to briefly and clearly to cover the new features and changes of the OpenSCADA system. The document includes information on changes made in the stabilization releases of the 0.6.3 version. To get acquainted with all the changes in the OpenSCADA system it is possible in the file ChangeLog from the distribution kit of the system, or here:

Key features of this version are:

While working on the release the following changes were made to the OpenSCADA modules:

1 Implementation of planned tasks

In accordance with the plan of the release there were performed the following tasks:

2 Optimization, stability, sustainability and system performance increasing.

While working on this version, as well as its practical adaptation, it was discovered and corrected in a total of more than 200 errors.

Except the correction of the errors the work under the optimization of the various components of OpenSCADA. Particularly the noticeable optimization was made in the visualization control area (VCA) and in its visualizers. The main vector in the optimization was the optimization of memory usage.

Here are the most significant error, correction of which has the significant effect on improving of the stability:

Optimization and productivity improvement:

3 Improvement and stabilization of the VCA.

Significant changes have been implemented within the visual control area (VCA), namely in the VCA engine modules UI.VCAEngine, in the visualizers UI.Vision and ~ UI.WebVision. The changes were aimed to the stabilizing, optimizing of memory usage and improvement of the user functions of the VCA.

Improvements of the VCA:

4 Перевод документации на Английский язык и интерфейса программы не Немецкий. Многоязыковая БД.

Проделана большая работа по переводу интерфейса программы на Немецкий Ириной Попковой. Были переведены интерфейс ядра OpenSCADA и модулей: UI.WebVision, UI.QTCfg, DAQ.DCON, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.DAQGate, DAQ.DiamondBoards, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.SoundCard, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.SNMP, DAQ.System, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, Protocol.HTTP, Protocol.SelfSystem, Special.FLibComplex1, Special.FLibMath, Special.FLibSYS, Transport.Serial, Special.SystemTests, UI.VCAEngine, UI.QTStarter, UI.Vision, UI.WebCfg. Включен патч Клауса Фетчера для коррекции перевода интерфейса на Немецкий.

Лысенко Максимом выполнен перевод документации на Английский для общесистемной документации и для модулей: DB.SQLite, DB.MySQL, DB.FireBird, DB.DBF, Archive.DBArch, Archive.FSArch, DAQ.System, DAQ.LogicLev, DAQ.DAQGate, DAQ.JavaLikeCalc, DAQ.ModBus, DAQ.SoundCard, DAQ.Siemens, DAQ.SNMP, DAQ.DiamondBoards, DAQ.BlockCalc, Transport.Sockets, UI.WebCfgD, UI.QTStarter, UI.QTCfg, Transport.Serial, Transport.SSL, Protocol.SelfSystem, Protocol.HTTP.

В ядро системы OpenSCADA добавлена поддержка многоязыковых текстовых переменных. Благодаря этой функции демонстрационные БД отдельных языков объединены в одну многоязыковую БД, которая включает Английский(базовый), Русский и Украинский языки. Многоязыковость поддерживается модулями БД DB.SQLite и DB.MySQL. Демонстрационный конфигурационный файл также переведен на Английский(базовый), Русский и Украинский языки.

5 Общесистемные расширения.

К данному релизу было внесено достаточно много общесистемных изменений, направленных на расширение функциональности.

Расширение API пользовательского программирования:

Изменения демонстрационной БД:


6 Планы дальнейшего развития

К промышленному релизу версии 0.7.0 запланировано решение таких задач:


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