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This is an old revision of HomePageEn/Doc/FAQ from 2009-01-08 13:13:22..

Frequently asked questions and the answers (FAQ)

Russian (1 Kb) Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ
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Q: If the OpenSCADA system works under QNX, FreeBSD, MS Windows?
Re: OpenSCADA system is developing by multiplatform principles, being based on recognized world standard POSIX and multiplatform libraries. However in a view of limitation of resources the project is conducted only in OS Linux. Actions on adaptation of system on other platforms are planned after the version 0.7.0 release. The further support of this or that platform will depend on interest of community and presence of an individual maintainer for a hardware-software platform.

Q: How to build OpenSCADA from the source texts?
Re: Building of any program project from the source texts, wich complexity is above the average, is rather hard work. An appropriate preparation and preliminary experience of the building are necessary for the solution of this task. If there is an opportunity to get OpenSCADA system already built and packaged under your environment, you ought to use it. If there are no packages under your environment or you consciously wish to build system from source texts take advantage of guide for building from source texts:

Q: How the values' archiving cyclical is determined?
Re: Archiving is independent of controllers and parameters task, and it is carried out by a modular subsystem "Archives". What and how to archive is determined individually for each attribute of parameter. Two modes of archiving are provided: passive and active. Passive archiving is determined by cyclical data acquisition at the controller, a cycle of the module of data gathering. Active archiving it is provided with a task of a archiving subsystem, it is not dependent on a cycle and way of data gathering by "DAQ" module.

Q: How multilanguage support is provided? Whether I can execute localization on the native language?
Re: Multilanguage support is provided on the basis of the standard of internationalization I18n. And files of internationalization of modules are separated from a file of internationalization of system. It provides high-grade support of independent distribution and development of modules to OpenSCADA system. Translation of system as a whole and modules can be separately executed irrespective of presence of the source code of system. For translation it is enough to receive *.po or *.pot files of the necessary component and to make translation of messages in the files in usual text editors from English to the necessary language.

Q: How the speech signal system is carried out?
Re: The speech signal system, as well as other methods of the signal system, is an element of a subsystem “User interfaces” and will be organized as the module processing conditions of attributes of parameters.

Q: Where and how to carry out additional logic processing attributes of parameters, including logic linkage in one object?
Re: Any mathematical processing of attributes of parameters can be made in computing controllers, for example in the block computing controller and the controller on the basis of Java-like language. Besides processing can be carried out at a logic level of parameters, in specially specified for these purposes controllers (working on parameters' patterns) or containing the built in realization of the mechanism of patterns of parameters. I.e. the user can form parameters with the necessary structure and algorithm of post-processing, forming logically connected objects.

Q: How the sharing of access is organized?
Re: The scheme of security similar to UNIX OC is used. So, necessary components have their owner, belong to group and contain a triad of access “rwxrwxrwx”. Besides the given mechanism of security is introduced in the interface of management by system OpenSCADA which, in turn, penetrates all system.

Q: Whether it is possible to operate system OpenSCADA by means of a usual WEB-browser?
Re: Yes, it is possible. For a configuration of OpenSCADA system from a WEB-browser the module of "User Interface" <WebCfg> which functions are caused by module "Protocol" <HTTP> is created.

Q: Whether it is possible and how the reservation of parameters is realized?
Re: Realization of following schemes of reservation is planned:

Q: Where scales of parameters and various setting of signal systems are checked?
Re: Checking of scales and settings can be realized by means of the module of the controller with the signaling through corresponding attributes of parameters. And also at a logic level of parameters, for "crude" sources of data. Besides the given analysis can be made directly in the visual control area (VCA), and also in the specialized manager of signal systems.

Q: Whether the system supports addition/removal/updating of modules on the move (without a stop)?
Re: This feature is incorporated in system and provided by “Management of modules" subsystem. Actually, updating of modules can automatically occur after detection of the new version of the module.

Q: Whether work with streaming data in system is possible?
Re: Streaming and batch data gathering works together with archive and its buffer. I.e. the source, having received a package/block of data, directly places it in archive of attribute of parameter, or takes a package from the buffer of archive at streaming outlet.

Q: Whether I can create the own module for any subsystem?
Re: Yes, certainly. For the help in this task the document, where the architecture of a kernel is practically completely described, its functions and API of the modules of various subsystems, is created. This document is here: (RU).

Q: Which way in OpenSCADA system it is possible to realize intermodular connections?
Re: Intermodular connections can be the following types:


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