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The module of subsystem "Data acquisition" <DiamondBoards>

Module: DiamondBoards
Name: Diamond cards of data acquisition
Type: DAQ
Version: 2.1.0
Author: Roman Savochenko, Maxim Lysenko (2009)
Description: Provides an access to "Diamond Systems" DAQ boards. Includes main support for all generic boards.
License: GPL



The module provides for the system OpenSCADA support of dynamic data sources, based on the cards for data acquisition of Diamond Systems company ( The module based on the universal driver of the manufacturer of the boards. Universal driver is available for almost all known software platforms in the form of a library. Universal driver has been received at and it was included in the distribution kit of OpenSCADA, therefore, for the building of the module external libraries are not required. You need only an assembling of the Linux kernel module "dscudkp.ko" for working by interrupts and with FIFO.

The boards of data acquisition of Diamond Systems represent the modules of expansion of the PC/104 form-factor. Boards may include: analog IO (input/outputs), digital IO, and counters. Complete set of cards can vary greatly. There can be contained only one type of IO or some mix. In addition, the function of data acquisition can be given to the system boards of this company. For example, the motherboard "Athena" contains: 16 AI, 4 AO, 24 DIO.

The module provides support for analog and digital IO into synchronous and asynchronous access modes. Analog inputs (AI) acquisition supports also into an interruption mode (by FIFO assistance). The method of the acquisition on interruption allows to achieve maximum frequency of interrogation which it is supported by the hardware. In the case of "Athena" system board the frequency achieves 100 kHz. In acquisition on interruption process the data becomes by packages of the main acquisition period and places into an archives buffer.

In the case of interrogation of the analog channels on interruption is not possible to configure individually each channel. Such an opportunity is provided only through direct interrogation.

 (2 Kb) In version 2.0 the module was in fact rewrote for providing the support of all wide-range boards of data acquisition of firm Diamond Systems. The result module is first which supports operating into all three modes of the data acquisition (synchronous, asynchronous, by packets), addition to the module is first data acquisition module of OpenSCADA system.

1. Data controller's object

On the controller's object level creates generic task for all board-parameters processing. Example of the tab of configuration of the controller's object shown in Figure 1.

Translation continues

Tab of configuration of the controller's object. (101 Kb)
Fig.1. Tab of configuration of the controller/board of Diamond Systems.

Using this form, it can be set:

In the mode of direct interrogation of analog inputs hardware interrupt of the card, frequency of analog inputs interrogation and the strengthening of the analog converter are not available.

To configure ports of digital inputs / outputs on the controller's page there is the tab of the configuration (fig. 2).

Fig.2. Tab of configuration of digital inputs / outputs ports.

2. Parameters of the Diamond controller

Module provides the information on two types of parameters: the digital and analog. Each type of the parameter is stored in the database and, consequently, has its own tab configuration. Tab of the configuration of analog parameters is presented in Fig.3. Configuration tab of digital parameters is presented in Fig.4.

Fig.3. Tab of the configuration of analog parameters.

Using the form of configuration of analog parameters it can be set:

To access the values of analog parameters are attributes must be formed. For analog inputs:

For analog outputs are set:

Fig.4. Configuration tab of digital parameters.

Using the Configuration tab of digital parameters there can be set:

To access the values of digital parameters the attribute, which provides the input value or inserts the new one, must be formed.


Used version the Linux driver from Diamond systems: dscud5.91linux.tar.gz
The patch for build driver at kernel Linux 2.6.29, used for data gathering by interrupt: lastkernels.patch

Referring pages: HomePageEn/Doc

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