An important element of any visualization interface is the user notification about the violation — alarming. To simplify the perception, but also in mind the close connectivity of visualization and notification (typically notification is amplified with the visualization) it is decided to integrate the interface of a notification in the visualization interface. To do this, all the widget provides two additional attributes (of the session level): "alarm" and "alarmSt". Attribute "alarm" is used to form the signal by the widget, according to his logic, and attribute "alarmSt" is used to control the signaling fact of the branch of the tree of the session of the project.
Attribute "alarm" is a line and has the following format: "{lev}|{categ}|{message}|{type}|{tp_arg}"
Attribute "alarmSt" is an integer number that represents the maximum alarm level and the fact of the quittance of the branch of the tree of the session of the project. Format of the number is as follows:
Alarm formation and receipt of it by the visualizer.
The alarm formation is performed by the widget by setting its own attribute "alarm" in appropriate way and in accordance with it the attribute "alarmSt" of current and the parent widget is set. Visualizers receive notification of the alarm using a standard mechanism for notifications of the changes of attributes of widgets.
Taking into account that the processing of conditions of the signaling is made in the widgets, the pages containing the objects of signaling should be performed in the background, regardless of their openness to the moment. This is done by setting a flag of the background execution of the page.
Although the mechanism of signaling is built in the visualization area the possibility of formation of visual signaling elements remains, for example by creating the page that will never be opened.
Quittance is process of accepting the violation(s) to mind, disabling the notification and action to remove the violation(s). In the display of user's interface the quittance assume only the notification disable.
Quittance performs by specifying the root of the branch of the widgets and the types of notification. This allows to make quittance on the side of visualizer both as by groups, for example by the signaling objects as well as individually by the objects. It is possible to independently quittance different types of alarms. Setting of the quittance is made by the simple modification of the attribute "alarmSt".
Example of the script to work with the signals gives below:
External notification methods
First and typical method of notifications is display's light notification by alarm colors and it dynamic about proper visual elements, which always presents and does not require of specific configuration. But often we need for external type notification, for example: external lamp, PC buzzer or "howler", arbitrary sound, synthesized speech and etc.
For the possibility of implements the external notification methods and the accorded notification types are free describing on the visualization server side and same visualizers. On the visualization server side describes for forming-getting the notification resource and same notification. On the visualizers side describes a notification by the resources from the visualization server.
The external notifications describes on main page by attributes of text type:
The exchanging variables:
The examples and comments to work of typical notification methods: