4.14 Copying elements
To speed up the process of developing of the user visualization and control interfaces it is necessary to provide the copy function of the elements. To provide the support of the various options for copy lets list them:
- "Widgets library (wlb_SrcLib)" -> "Widgets library (wlb_NewLib)" -- Parameters of the library are copied, as well as all the widgets/frames contained in it..
- "Project (prj_SrcPrj)" -> "Project (prj_NewPrj)" -- The project's parameters, all pages in the hierarchy, as well as widgets/frames, contained in the active pages, are copied.
- "Progect's page (prj_WPrj.pg_SrcPg)" -> Progect's page (prj_WPrj.pg_WPg.pg_NewPg)" -- Copying of the the page's parameters, embedded pages and embedded widgets
- "Widgets library frame (wlb_Lib.wdg_SrcWdg)" -> "Widgets library frame (wlb_LibN.wdg_NewWdg)" -- Copying of the widget's parameters and embedded widgets.
- "Element of the frame/page (prj_WPrj.pg_WPage.wdg_SrcWdg" -> "Widgets library frame(wlb_Lib.wdg_NewWdg)" -- Copying of the widget's parameters and embedded widgets.
- "Element of the frame/page (prj_WPrj.pg_WPage.wdg_SrcWdg" -> "Element of the frame/page (wlb_Lib.wdg_WWdg.wdg_NewWdg)" -- Copying of the widget's parameters.