Terms and abbreviations
Terms and definitions
- Blocking — a conditional border of the technological parameter value at which overcome there performs a preset algorithm for an emergency prevent. In some modes of TP (starting) according to the regulations you can be needed for the blockings disable (deblocking).
- Deblocking — process of the blockings disabling on time of TP working in modes for which the operation reserved into the regulations. The technological parameters deblocking is strictly accountable operation and it must be performed by the operative personal in an appropriate order.
- QT — software development tool, with which, in particular, the QTCfg (GUI configurator) and Vision (editor of the wotking user interface) modules are created. QT is early record used by the authors for the Qt library.
- Quittance — the approving process is a fact of the operative personal take its attention to the violation into the TP work. The process mostly means of take actions for the violation eliminating and pressing to the button of the alarm eliminating.
- VCA widget — visualization element of the VCA.
- VCA frame — derived visualization element, consisting of the basic elements and able to serve the project's page functions.
- Project — this term has many meanings. Depending on the context, it can mean:
- OpenSCADA project (system) — free software, the documentation of which you are reading now. The authors of the project are developers of the OpenSCADA system.
- Specific set of modules and their configuration, created by the user of the OpenSCADA system, stored in a configuration file (obligatory) and in the one or more databases (obligatory). For example, a demonstration project. That is, the author of the project in this sense is a user, usually a development engineer of the company, which made the automation.
- VCA project — component, produced in the module VCAEngine, it contains the set of VCA frames.
- Setting of the alarm — a conditional border of the technological parameter value at which overcome means as an abnormal situation. Typically sets next borders:
- Upper and bottom alarm borders — borders of alarm values of the technological parameter.
- Upper and bottom warning borders — borders of warning, the regulations borders, about the parameter's value exit of the work range.
- Failure — sign to the parameter's value out of the technological equipment's hardware boards. That is mostly features to the sensor failure, break of the channel's link with the sensor or the PLC.
- Signaling — the process of notification of the operative personal about a violation of the technological process or the automation equipment work. The notification methods can be of different types of influence to human senses for take it attention. There often provides next types of signaling:
- Light signaling — that is typically performed by changing the graphical object's color (blink) for the emerging events and by setting the static alarm colors (red and yellow) for events have quittance.
- Sound — that is performed by sound signal out in moment of the event emerge. The sound signal type can be both as monotonic and the speech synth message with an information about the violation.
Used abbreviations
- API — Application Programming Interface (OpenSCADA modules).
- AWP — Automated Work Place. It mostly self-represents by a system block of processing system, display, manipulator of "mouse" sometime with keyboard, and other peripheral hardware, which service to the technological process data present and for actions with TP perform.
- CPI — Computer-process Interface. Ðÿä óñòðîéñòâ èëè ìîäóëåé ÏËÊ, ê êîòîðûì íåïîñðåäñòâåííî ïîäêëþ÷àþòñÿ ñèãíàëû ñ äàò÷èêîâ ÒÏ äëÿ ïîñëåäóþùåãî ïðåîáðàçîâàíèÿ èç àíàëîãîâîãî â öèôðîâîé âèä è îáðàòíî. Ïðåîáðàçîâàíèå îñóùåñòâëÿåòñÿ ñ öåëþ ïîñëåäóþùåé îáðàáîòêè çíà÷åíèé òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïàðàìåòðîâ â ÏËÊ.
- DAQ — Data Acquisition.
- DCON — Name of the one of communication protocols used in the industry.
- DB — Data Base.
- GPL — General Public License, under the conditions of which the OpenSCADA may be distributed and used.
- GUI — Graphical User Interface.
- HMI — Human-machine Interface.
- HTTP — HyperText Transfer Protocol.
- PLC — Programmable Logic Controller.
- QT — look for QT in the list of terms, it is not acronym.
- SCADA — Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition.
- TP — Technological Process. Whole complex of technological equipment of the technological process.
- TUI — Terminal(Text) User Interface.
- UI — User Interface.
- VCA — Visual Control Area.
- SO — signal object.
- FS — filesystem.