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This is an old revision of HomePageEn/Doc/SystemTests from 2010-08-16 11:57:57..

The module <SystemTests> of the subsystem "Specials"

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Name:Тесты системы OpenSCADA.
Author:Roman Savochenko
Translated:Maxim Lysenko
Description:Provides the group of test to the OpenSCADA system.


Translation is in progress.


Special module SystemTests contains a set of tests designed to test various subsystems and components of the OpenSCADA system. Tests carried out in the form of user API functions. Hence the tests can be run as a one-time, in the "Execute" page of the function's object and from the procedures of the user as well, passing them the necessary arguments.

In addition to the usual mechanisms of user API execution an autonomous mechanism is provided. This mechanism is represented by the separate task, performed with the period of one second, which calls the functions of tests in accordance with the settings in the configuration file.

The configuration fields of the tests are placed in the section of the modulus SystemTests of subsystem "Special". The format of the configuration fields is: <prm id="Test Id" on="1" per="10" />

In addition to the basic attributes the reflection of the input parameters of tests' functions on the same name attributes of tag "prm" is made. For example, the attribute "name" of function "Param", you can specify in the tag "prm".

It is allowed to indicate the set of tags "prm" for the same or different tests with the same or different parameters, thus indicating the separate test execution with the specified parameters. Here is an example of description of all available tests:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <station id="DemoStation">
        <node id="sub_Special">
            <node id="mod_SystemTests">
                <prm id="Param" on="0" per="5" name="LogicLev.experiment.F3"/>
                <prm id="XML" on="0" per="10" file="/etc/oscada.xml"/>
                <prm id="Mess" on="0" per="10" categ="" arhtor="DBArch.test3" depth="10"/>
                <prm id="SOAttach" on="0" per="20" name="../../lib/openscada/" mode="0" full="1"/>
                <prm id="Val" on="0" per="1" name="LogicLev.experiment.F3.var" arch_len="5" arch_per="1000000"/>
                <prm id="Val" on="0" per="1" name="System.AutoDA.CPULoad.load" arch_len="10" arch_per="1000000"/>
                <prm id="DB" on="0" per="10" type="MySQL" addr=";roman;123456;oscadaTest" table="test" size="1000"/>
                <prm id="DB" on="0" per="10" type="DBF" addr="./DATA/DBF" table="test.dbf" size="1000"/>
                <prm id="DB" on="0" per="10" type="SQLite" addr="./DATA/test.db" table="test" size="1000"/>
                <prm id="DB" on="0" per="10" type="FireBird" addr=";roman;123456" table="test" size="1000"/>
                <prm id="TrOut" on="0" per="1" addr="TCP:" type="Sockets" req="time"/>
                <prm id="TrOut" on="0" per="1" addr="UDP:" type="Sockets" req="time"/>
                <prm id="TrOut" on="0" per="1" addr="UNIX:./oscada" type="Sockets" req="time"/>
                <prm id="TrOut" on="0" per="1" addr="UDP:" type="Sockets" req="time"/>
                <prm id="SysContrLang" on="0" per="10" path="/Archive/FSArch/mess_StatErrors/%2fprm%2fst"/>
                <prm id="ValBuf" on="0" per="5"/>
                <prm id="Archive" on="0" per="30" arch="test1" period="1000000"/>
                <prm id="Base64Code" on="0" per="10"/>

1. Parameter (Param)

Description: Test of the DAQ parameters. Reads the attributes and configuration fields of the parameter.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
name Address of the DAQ parameter String Input System.AutoDA.CPULoad

2. XML parsing (XML)

Description: Test of the XML file parsing. Parses and displays the structure of the file.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
file XML file String Input

3. Messages (Mess)

Description: Test of the messages archive. Periodically reads new messages from the archive for the specified archiver.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
arhtor Archiver String Input FSArch.StatErrors
categ The template of the messages category String Input
depth Message's depth (s) Integer Input 10

4. SO attaching (SOAttach)

Description: Test connection/disconnection of the modules.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
name Path to the module String Input
mode Mode (1-connect;-1-disconnect;0-change) Integer Input 0
full Full connection(when start) Bool Input 1

5. Attribute of the parameter (Val)

Description: Тест значений атрибута параметра. Выполняет периодический опрос последнего значения указанного атрибута, а также опрос архива на указанную глубину.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
name Path to the attribute of the parameter String Input System.AutoDA.CPULoad.load
arch_len The depth of the query to the values' archive (s) Integer Input 10
arch_per Period of query to the values' archive (mcs) Integer Input 1000000

6. DB test (DB)

Description: Complete database test. Includes:


ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
type DB type String Input SQLite
addr DB address String Input ./DATA/test.db
table DB table String Input test
size Number of records Integer Input 1000

7. Transport (TrOut)

Description: Test of the output and/or input transports. Performs testing of the output transport by sending the request to the specified input transport.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
addr Address String Input TCP:
type Transport's module String Input Sockets
req Query text String Input

8. Язык управления системой (SysContrLang)

Описание: Тест языка управления системой. Производит запрос элементов языка посредством полного пути. Полный путь к элементу языка имеет вид </Archive/%2fbd%2fm_per>. Полный путь состоит из двух вложенных путей. Первый </d_Archive/> это путь к узлу дерева контроля. Второй </bd/m_per> это путь к конкретному элементу узла.

ID Имя Тип Режим По умолчанию
rez Результат Строка Возврат
path Путь к элементу языка Строка Вход /Archive/BaseArh/mess_StatErrors/%2fprm%2fst

9. Буфер значений (ValBuf)

Описание: Тесты буфера значений. Содержит 13 тестов всех аспектов буфера значений (подсистема "Архивы").

ID Имя Тип Режим По умолчанию
rez Результат Строка Возврат

10. Архив значений (Archive)

Описание: Тесты размещения в архиве значений. Содержит 7(8) тестов архиватора значений на проверку корректности функционирования последовательного механизма упаковки.

ID Имя Тип Режим По умолчанию
rez Результат Строка Возврат
arch Архив значений Строка Вход
period Период значений (мкс) Целый Вход 1000000

11. Base64 кодирование (Base64Code)

Описание: Тесты кодирования Mime Base64 алгоритмом.

ID Имя Тип Режим По умолчанию
rez Результат Строка Возврат


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