8. Subsystem “User interfaces” (TUIS)
The subsystem "User Interfaces" is presented by the TUIS object, which contains modular objects of the TUI user interfaces' on the subsystem's level.
8.1. The object of the “User interfaces” subsystem (TUIS)
Public methods:
- int subVer( ); — Subsystem's version.
- void subStart( ); — Start of the subsystem.
- void subStop( ); — Stop of the subsystem.
- AutoHD<TUI> at( const string &name ); — Connecting to the user's interface module.
- static string icoGet( const string &inm, string *tp = NULL, bool retPath = false ); — Download image of the icon <inm> from standard directories or return path, on <retPath>, to allowed icon. Detecting icons for file extensions "png", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", which return into <tp>.
8.2. The modular object of the user interface (TUI)
Inherits: | TModule. |
Inherited: | By the root objects of the “User interfaces” subsystem. |
Protected attributes:
- bool run_st; — The sign "Running".