15. XML in the OpenSCADA system (XMLNode)
XML in the OpenSACDA system is represented by the object of the XML-tag - XMLNode.
15.1. XML-tag (XMLNode)
Options of the function of XML-file generation (enum - XMLNode::SaveView):
- XMLNode::BrOpenPrev -- insert the end of the line before the opening tag;
- XMLNode::BrOpenPast -- insert the end of the line after the opening tag;
- XMLNode::BrClosePast -- insert the end of the line after the closing tag;
- XMLNode::BrTextPast -- insert the end of the line after the tag text;
- XMLNode::BrPrcInstrPast -- insert the end of the line after the computed instruction;
- XMLNode::BrAllPast -- insert the end of the line after the all elements;
- XMLNode::XMLHeader -- insert the xml-header with the version;
- XMLNode::InclNode -- service flag for the identification of the root of XML-tree while saving.
- XMLNode::MissTagEnc -- to miss for tags name encoding.
- XMLNode::MissAttrEnc -- to miss for attributes name encoding.
Public methods:
- XMLNode( const string &name = "" ); -- Initialization of the tag with the name <name>.
- XMLNode &operator=( XMLNode &prm ); -- Copying a branch of the XML-tree from <prm>.
- string name( ) const; -- Tag's name.
- XMLNode* setName( const string &s ); -- Setting the tag's name to <s>.
- string text( ) const; -- Tag's text.
- XMLNode* setText( const string &s ); -- Setting the tag's text to <s>.
- void attrList( vector<string> & list ) const; -- The list of attributes <list> in the tag.
- XMLNode* attrDel( const string &name ); -- Deleting of the attribute <name>.
- void attrClear( ); -- Clear the tag's attributes.
- string attr( const string &name ) const; -- Getting the attribute <name>.
- XMLNode* setAttr( const string &name, const string &val ); -- Setting/creation of the attribute <name> with the value <val>.
- void prcInstrList( vector<string> &list ) const; -- List of executable instructions <list> in the tag.
- void prcInstrDel( const string &target ); -- Deleting of the executable instruction <target> from the tag.
- void prcInstrClear( ); -- Clear the tag's instructions.
- string prcInstr( const string &target ) const; -- Getting the executable instruction <target> of the tag.
- XMLNode* setPrcInstr( const string &target, const string &val ); -- Setting the executable instruction of the tag <target>.
- void load( const string &vl ); -- Load/parsing of the XML-file.
- string save( unsigned char flgs = 0 ); -- Saving/creation of the XML-file with the formatting parameter <flgs>.
- XMLNode* clear( ); -- Clear the tag (recursively, including all attachments).
- bool childEmpty( ) const; -- Check for empty attached tags.
- int childSize( ) const; -- The number of attached tags.
- void childAdd( XMLNode *nd ); -- Adding the attached tag.
- XMLNode* childAdd( const string &name = "" ); -- Adding the attached tag.
- int childIns( unsigned id, XMLNode *nd ); -- Insert of the attached tag to the position <id>.
- XMLNode* childIns( unsigned id, const string &name = "" ); -- Insert of the attached tag with the name <name> to the position <id>.
- void childDel( const unsigned id ); -- Deleting of the attached tag <id>.
- void childDel( XMLNode *nd ); -- Deleting of the attached tag using its address <nd>.
- void childClear( const string &name = "" ); -- Clear of the attached tag <name>.
- XMLNode* childGet( const int, bool noex = false ) const; -- Getting the attached tag by its index number.
- XMLNode* childGet( const string &name, const int numb = 0, bool noex = false ) const; -- Getting of the attached <numb> indexed tag by the tag's name <name>. <noex> indicates the prohibition of the generation of exception in the case of absence of the tag.
- XMLNode* childGet( const string &attr, const string &name, bool noex = false ) const; -- Getting the attached <numb> indexed tag by its value <name> of the attribute <attr>. <noex> indicates the prohibition of the generation of exception in the case of absence of the tag.
- XMLNode* parent( ); -- Parent tag of the tag.