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13. Data in the OpenSCADA system and their storage in the DB (TConfig)

Storing data in the system based on the objects TConfig and TElem. These objects store the structure and fields' values of the database, allowing for direct loading and saving the configuration via the "DB" subsystem. For the specialized different types data storage the TVariant object is provided.

TElem object contains the structure of database record. Structure of the record contains extensive information about the elements, their types, sizes and other parameters. Information in this structure is enough to create, control and manage the real structure of the database. Elementary unit of the record is the cell Tfld.

TConfig object is the heir of TElem and contains the actual values of elements. TConfig is used as the parameter in the functions of the manipulating with the table's records in the "DB" subsystem. Elementary unit of the record is the cell TCfg.

To provide an opportunity to inform the data storehouse about the changes in the structure it is provides an object TValElem, from which it is inherited the storehouse TConfig and the list of which is contained in the TElem structure.

13.1. Data object (TConfig)

Inherited:TParamContr, TController, TMArchivator, TPrmTempl, TPrmTmplLib, TUser, TGroup, TTransportIn, TTransportOut, TBD, TVArchive, TVArchivator, à òàêæå ìîäóëüíûå îáúåêòû õðàíÿùèå ñâîè äàííûå â ÁÄ.

Public methods:

Protected methods:

13.2. Data cell (TCfg)


Additional flags to TFld (enum — TCfg::AttrFlg):

Requests flags (enum — ReqFlg):

Public methods:

13.3. Data structure object (TElem)

Inherited: By the TTypeParam, TControllerS, TTypeDAQ, as well as by the modular objects, combining the functions of the structure storage .

Public methods:

13.4. Data structure cell (TFld)

Cell's type (enum – TFld::Type):

Cell's flags (enum — TFld::AttrFlg):

Public methods:

13.5. The object which preacts about changing of the structure (TValElem)

Inherited:TValue, TConfig.

Protected methods:

13.6. Data cell (TVariant)

Error values for the different data types (define):

Òèïû äàííûõ (enum — TVariant::Type):

Public methods:

13.7. User object (TVarObj)


Public methods:

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