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This is an old revision of HomePageEn/Doc/API/part12 from 2012-03-27 23:28:00..

12. Components of the object model of the OpenSCADA system

Object model of the OpenSCADA system is based on the function object TFunction, on the parameters of the function IO and on the values' frame of the function TValFunc. Later the function's objects are included in the object tree, forming an object model of the system. Using the functions of the object model is made by linking the frame of values TValFunc with function.

The idea in general is shown in Fig. 7.

The basis of the programming area of the OpenSCADA system. (76 Kb)
Fig. 7. The basis of the programming area of the OpenSCADA system.

Object of the function (TFunction) provides an interface for the formation of function parameters and algorithm of the computing in the object which inherits it.

Object of the function's parameter (IO) contains the configuration of the single parameter.

Object of the values' frame (TValFunc) contains values in accordance with the structure of the linked function. While the execution of the algorithm by the associated function the values of this object are used.

12.1. The function object (TFunction)

Inherited:By the modules and nodes of the systems, which contains the functions for publication in the object model of the system.

Public methods:

Protected attributes:

12.2. The object of the function's parameter (IO)

Parameter's type (enum — IO::Type):

Parameter's flags (enum — IO::IOFlgs):

Public methods:

12.3. The object of the function's value (TValFunc).

Public methods:

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